Empowered Prophetic Coaching - Advanced Mentoring Group
CourseLive Monthly Training. Empowered Prophetic Coaching Advanced Mentoring Group
Empowered Prophetic Coaching allows us to be intentional about training, developing and growing in how to better recognise the various ways God speaks to us.$300
Prophets in Progress
CourseLive Monthly Training. Accelerate your 5-fold journey whilst avoiding the pitfalls along the way.
PIPs is designed for 5 Fold Prophets and for emerging 5-fold office holders who want to understand the call of a Prophet.$550
Activate Your Prophetic Senses
CourseLive Training.
Activate Your Prophetic Senses: Recognizing and Amplifying the Voice of God in Your Life$400
Pre-order available now!
Activate Your Prophetic Delivery - Advanced Course
CourseLive Training.
Kingdom Protocols for Engaging & Delivering the Prophetic$400
Prophetic Processing with Verve
CourseLive Training
Uncover your Kingdom identity; step into your individual destiny & purpose; understand your unique times & seasons as you discover your greatest sphere of influence.$350